Help! My Blog is Infected with Malware and I Don’t Know How to Fix it!

Dear Readers:
I’m in need of some techincal assistance for a problem that’s beyond my knowledge of servers, blog software, and the like. For the last month or so I’ve noticed that there seems to be some malware installed on my blog that is causing all kinds of problems, not the least of which is that it’s killing me on Google, and people are getting warnings in the various browsers and so on. I really do not know how to fix this so any advice or willingness to just do this for me would be appreciated (and you’d get paid).
Even better would be for someone to help me move this off Movable Type 4 once and for all and over to WordPress. I know I put out a similar call for that last year, but Real Life intervened, and I had to put it on hold. This would also be paid as well.
Email me at greg (at) dewar (dot) us with the subject line “NJC repairs” if you’re interested.

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